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Annex to the corpus in memory of Isaac Passy

By Peter-Emil Mitev

He accepted only one reliable criteria of the accomplished by the creator – historical time. It can’t be questioned, but it can be said that only significant authors remember this. And more.  New generations, which are going to be born and raised in Еuropean Bulgaria, will have the opportunity to value the creative work of a man, who did so much to europeanise our culture.

The two sides of the Bulgarian culture are the national originality and the еuropean appurtenance. Characteristic figures are Zlatio Boyadjiev and Iordan Radichkov, but also Cvetan Stoyanov and Isaac Passy. „The threads, which are intercepting” bind us to the most major postwar phylosophical discussion. “The biography of the soul” is not a bridge to Europe, it is more an Odyssey to our European roots.

Both sides can be set against each other. Remember the controversy between Toncho Jechev and Iskra Panova. But only their unity guarantees the future. Withour national originality we risk to be imitators, to be euro epigones. Without european scale- to be left provincialists, to be substantive aboriginals. To the new youthful is yet there to find the balance of the dynamic culture.

Isaac Passy was one of the brightest, most purposeful and most upright people of the Bulgarian XX century.

His place will be left vacant- in the hearts of the friends and in the Bulgarian literature as well in the Bulgarian society.