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Dr Zhelyu Zhelev

President of the Republic of Bulgaria (1990-1997)

10 years ago I predicted that Mr. Passy will be a NATO Secretary General. In my opinion no other than him can develop and carry out the reform in NATO. This reform will turn it into a foundation for international security -from a military and political organization into a common security system.

I think that there is no man in doubt that Mr. Passy possesses all intellectual, political and moral virtues for this position.

Another quality, typical of him and that is very important for a political figure and statesman - this is his sense of humour and ability for irony and self-irony.


Nancy McEldowney

US Ambassador to Bulgaria

Five years after the accession of Bulgaria to NATO the nomination of such a master-hand statesman and famous international politician is a perfect expression of the fact that your country is a complete and extremely active member of the Alliance.


Ognian Minchev

Political analyst

Solomon being a man who feels NATO as his personal cause is extremely appropriate for the position of Secretary General of the organisation, concerning not only his personal qualities and story.

It is impossible to spend at least 20 years of one's life in favour of a cause and not to believe in it, not to be included in it.


James Appathurai

NATO Spokesman

Bulgaria's Solomon Passy has as many chances to become the new NATO Secretary General as any of the other candidates.

There is no political or other reason that could be an obstacle to any country to nominate their own candidate. Any candidate will receive the same consideration as the others.


Prof. Todor Vardjiev

Bulgarian artist

I can't imagine a better leader than Dr. Solomon Passy! The politician who changed the concept of the Bulgarian Parliament about the Alliance, the concept of our politicians, of one entire nation. There is more to it than that- the West now believes us.

The North Atlantic Treaty, Bulgaria in NATO - this is the Sun and the air to Solomon Passy. This is the destiny of a praiseworthy Bulgarian with a common to all mankind mission.
Good luck, Moni! Forward - even with a Trabant. Slow and sure!


Prof. Georgi Tschapkanow - Tchapp

Bulgarian sculptor, illustrator and scenographer

Solomon Passy is a unusually intelligent and enterprising man. This allows him to think and act in a strategic manner and very precisely in any circumstances. This insight he possesses (in the dawn of the Bulgarian democracy) to see our homeland in NATO made out of him a very strong and popular politician and diplomat as a foreign minister. His consistency helps him achieve whatever aim he has in the name of Bulgaria.

All these qualities are typical of a born leader. A remarkable person who belongs not only to Bulgaria but the whole world.


Nicholas Sherwen

Like many others, I can not begin without adding my warm congratulations to Solomon Passy and to his colleagues and helpers in the Atlantic Club of Bulgaria – Dr. Ivanov, Mr. Sotirov, Avgustina Tzvetkova, Maxim Minchev and many others – and expressing my personal delight that their efforts have been so obviously rewarded by the recognition they have received from all participants. This country has some exceptionally talented people working to promote its cause in international circles and to secure its proper position in international affairs and I have the honour to count several of them as my friends. But the achievements of Solomon Passy on behalf of this country abroad and within Bulgaria are remarkable by any standards.


In the English language there has always been a tendency to take the name of a distinguished activist in any walk of life and make it into a verb. A new active verb has just entered the language and it is “to passy”. It means, in short, to be totally dedicated to an idea and to pursue it tirelessly, ignoring the sceptics and brushing aside the obstacles, before finally seeing it translated into reality. When Solly delivers 50% of what he promises, it is already much more than most people’s 100%. To “passy” also means having no hesitation in dragooning innocent bystanders into service and persuading them to accept impossible tasks. This gives the verb its passive form “to be passied”- which explains my presence this afternoon. So let me get down to business.


Anders Fogh Rasmussen

Secretary General

Mr. President, dear Solomon,

I would like to thank you for your very kind invitation to deliver a speech to the Atlantic Club of Bulgaria on the occasion of its 20th anniversary.
For the last two decades, your institution has made a significant contribution to NATO's efforts to explain the mission and the role of the Alliance to the publics in Bulgaria as well as in other Allied and partner nations.
Regrettably, my official programme in Bulgaria, on the occasion of the 2011 Spring Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly on May 30, will not allow me to join you for celebrating this historic moment in the Atlantic Club's history.
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you and your colleagues for your valuable activity and to encourage you to keep up your contribution to better public understanding of Alliance's objectives and missions.

Yours sincerely,
Anders Fogh Rasmussen


Message of appreciation from H.E. Dr. Mohamed Morsy addressed to Dr. Solomon Passy

President of the Arab Republic of Egypt

The Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt presents its compliments to the Atlantic Club of Bulgaria and has the honour to enclose hereinafer the message of appreciation from H.E. Dr. Mohamed Morsy, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt addressed to Dr. Solomon Passy, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria thanking for the congratulations on the occasion of his election as President of the Arab Republic of Egypt.


Dr. Solomon Passy,

It was with deep thanks that I received your congratulations on my election as President of the Arab Republic of Egypt.

I wish you all the best of health.

With my best wishes.

Dr. Mohamed Morsy
President of the Arab Republic of Egypt


The Embassyof the Arab Republic of Egypt avails itself of his opportunity to renew to the Atlantic Club of Bulgaria the assurances of its highest consideration.

Atlantic Club of Bulgaria


Rosen Plevneliev

Incumbent President of the Republic of Bulgaria

And allow me, dear friends, on behalf of all of us, to congratulate everyone, but especially to congratulate, on the anniversary of this achievement, to shake hands in front of you all with a minister, a Bulgarian, a leader with vision and a cause who might be known in this world for his Trabant, but famous for much more in the world, and I want to shake his hand on behalf of all Bulgarian citizens, that with his ambition and non-stop work and his cause, he worked in order for Bulgaria to become a worthy member of the NATO family.