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Social networks shorten the lifespan of dictators


‘The dictator regimes will start falling like dominoes’, reckons Solomon Passy.

The social networks and new technologies are the best tools for fighting dictatorships. This is what the president of the Atlantic Club of Bulgaria, Dr. Solomon Passy, stated during a conference, entitled “The Arab spring: what happened, what it means and what comes next.”

‘Precisely the social networks contributed so much for the people’s unification during the revolutions in the Arabian world over the past few months. No one can predict if the regimes that are to be changed in North Africa and the Middle East, will be replaced by democracy but what we can surely foresee is that, from now on, the lifespan of a dictatorship will be a lot shorter than the one of dictatorships in the past’, said Passy. According to him the dictator regimes will start falling like dominoes but it is not clear how fast this will happen. He expressed concern that our country does not consider thoroughly enough the new political and economic possibilities and perspectives. This leads to negatives for the business, which faces hardships in its positioning on the newly created markets.



You can see details on the conference in the video report.

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