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Solomon Passy: Security Services Should Wiretap not the Bulgarians, but the Terrorists!

TV7, 16.04.2013

Even the strongest and best defended states are not secure from a terrorist attack, the former Bulgarian Foreign Minister Solomon Passy said on TV7. The West and the Atlantic family should double their efforts it the struggle against the plague of the 21st century. The terrorists have a twisted value system, Mr. Passy reminded and recommended the world considers that fact.

Both the USA and Bulgaria are not secure from terrorism and that is why we must not underestimate any attack warning. The former First Diplomat reminded also that some time before Boyko Borisov mentioned Bulgaria is safe because of its many Kebap shops, which ultimately proved wrong with the Burgas bus bombing. Security Services should wiretap not the Bulgarian citizens, but the potential terrorists, Mr. Passy appealed.



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