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Solomon Passy: “Bulgaria is like a Floating Cask among Sea”, 15.07.2012

According to Solomon Passy, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Bulgaria, the Bulgarian people do not realize its role as a member of EU, neither of NATO. In his opinion Bulgaria has not acquired both short term and long term strategy.

“This government was granted with the achievements of the previous ones - the membership of Bulgaria in EU. But beside that, it has no strategy even what to do in the next 20 days. Having in mind that every country member of EU knows what is its place in the Union, Bulgaria is like a Cask among a sea”, says the Bulgarian former minister of Foreign Affairs, Solomon Passy during an interview on the program of the Bulgarian National Radio “Sunday 150”.

The first thing we should do is – to have our own vision and a strategy for the future. The second thing we need is to find our own niche in EU. We are not aware of what we are actually doing. The same refers to our membership in NATO. Thirdly, we need an urgent reform of the education system. According to a university research, 86% of the Bulgarian textbooks refer to the past, 12 % to the present, and only 2% to the future, emphasizes Solomon Passy.

Regarding the topic of Schengen, the former minister said that the membership in this organization is an easy to achieve mission, a simple task that could have been solved three years ago if it had not been underestimated. The Prime Minister during that time expressed the opinion that technically we were ready for it. We should take into consideration the fact that in politics everything is a political question. The undervaluation of the Schengen matter led to the fact that we did not become a member of the organization.

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