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The New Leadership in Libya has to Recognize the Innocence of the Bulgarian Medics, 26.08.2011

“Libya’s new leadership must recognize unconditionally the innocence of Bulgarian medics and the Palestinian doctor. The first thing the new government has to declare is that it disassociates from the Gaddafi’s policy because we have not heard anything like that from the new rulers of Libya so far,” said the former Minister of Foreign Affairs Solomon Passy during the “Something More” program.

“There are plenty of reasons to criticize Gaddafi’s rule. During the last decades Libya was supported. Western leaders closed their eyes for many problems happening inside the country. And this was dictated mainly by economic and political interests. Thus, it would be very good if every one of those European leaders, who criticize Gadhafi today, remember what they and their predecessors did in the last decade. Indeed, in 2005 I was the only minister of foreign affairs to oppose the lifting of the Libyan arms embargo,” Mr. Passy said.

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